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Science fiction novel Beyond the Horizon Buy  science fiction novel Beyond the Horizon Buy the book on Amazon!

Books in the Beyond Saga by Greg Spry:

  1. Beyond Cloud Nine
  2. Beyond the Horizon
  3. Beyond Yesterday
  4. Beyond Existence

Beyond the Horizon is the story of a young officer who must foil an attempt at genocide during the first interstellar mission.


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Buy the award-winning first book, Beyond Cloud Nine, or the newly-released third book, Beyond Yesterday, on Amazon in Kindle or trade paperback format. Or subscribe to the author's mailing list to read all three books in the Beyond Saga for free.

Learn about the plot and story for science fiction novel Beyond the Horizon


Ensign Maya Davis has dreamed of captaining a starship since she launched her first toy rocket into Earth orbit at age four.

But not long after she departs the Sol system aboard humankind's first interstellar vessel, New Horizons, sabotage cripples the ship, killing a third of the crew and stranding the expedition light years from home under the siege of hostile forces.

Without knowing who she can trust, Maya must...

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Beyond Saga Blog

Beyond Existence in Editing

Posted by author on 10/14/2024 7:33:29 PM

I'm thrilled to announce that the fourth and final book in the Beyond Saga, Beyond Existence (BEX), is now with the editor. The in-progress manuscript is about 273K words and 690 pages (trade paperback format). That is roughly double the length of each of the first three books. I've still got lots of work left to do on it, but the light at the end of the tunnel is now visible. Here is the rough timeline for publication:

Task: Completion Deadline

Professional Editing: December 2024

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Beyond Existence First Draft Complete

Posted by author on 1/5/2021 10:56:00 PM

Happy New Year! I hope everyone has been staying safe and following the advice of medical experts during this trying time. With any luck, the outlook will be much brighter as 2021 progresses.

The pandemic has brought its share of hardships. For me, it's yielded at least one positive. Being stuck at home more often gave me time to finish the rough draft of Beyond Existence (BEX), the final book(s) in the Beyond Saga (more on that ambiguous plurality in a bit). Below, I talk about the forthcoming story, my publication approach for it, the estimated release timeline, and what comes next.

Beyond Existence (BEX) has been the most complex, challenging, and rewarding work of fiction that I've written to date. It consists of many viewpoint characters, both familiar and new. It also covers multiple interconnected time periods and timelines. I've also done my best to include deep personal stakes for both Maya and Brooke, something I arguably did a better job of in book 1 compared to books 2 and 3. You will find that while the final chapter of the Beyond Saga ties all of the previous books together, it has particularly strong tie-ins to Beyond Cloud Nine (BC9).

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Astronaut Exercises Rights, Refuses to Wear Spacesuit

Posted by author on 7/27/2020 11:24:00 PM

International Space Station — On July 27, 2020, NASA mission control asked astronaut Major Karen Mumpsimus to perform a spacewalk to repair one of the International Space Station's solar panels. However, the astronaut refused to wear a spacesuit during her excursion outside the station based on the grounds that doing so violated her constitutional rights as a United States citizen.

"No one is going to tell me what I should or shouldn't wear," Major Mumpsimus said at the time. "I can't breathe with a helmet on or through any sort of face covering. I have a medical condition."

Doctor Voisoff Rezonski, a cosmonaut and fellow station occupant, rebuked the claim that people with asthma and other chronic pulmonary diseases would breathe easier in space without wearing a suit. "As a matter of fact," the doctor said, citing multiple studies and scholarly articles as evidence, "those afflicted by these conditions are more likely to survive in space with a suit as opposed to without."

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